These links can be found at the bottom of each page while browsing this document under "additional resources"
Minor revisions to draft format regarding deck constraints. Construction rules follow standard deck construction rules regarding allowable numbers of copies of a card in addition to requiring only up to a single copy of a card in the material deck. The original rules were put in place early during DOA as a draft format with variations on the rules taking place for subsequent drafts. The intention is to standardize all base draft rules to the now-changed version and allow for any format-specific rules to be enumerated within the format.
Updated section on drafting procedure for limited tournaments, detailing inclusion of sealed draft packs. Also modified language regarding suggested time constraints.
Updated card legality section.
Slightly changed wording in the player equipment section regarding inappropriate materials.
Correctly updated policy on Proxia's Vault (no time limitation clause for proxy eligibility duration)
Added slight wording for Start of Game procedures to account for "False starts" when players begin before a round timer has begun.
Added brief section covering Media regulations. This covers basic rules for media coverage at higher-tier competitive events (e.g. Ascent, National). Each event will detail media policies in greater detail and, as such, this section will not be exhaustive in content and policy guidelines.
Slight fixes
Updated format legality to include Mortal Ambition products
Added section for additional guidance on Deck Checks
Added section for current ban list(s)
Various typo and redundancy fixes
Various fixes and clarifications, mainly typos.
Added rulings on handling face-down cards in webcam events.
Tournament Rules & Guidelines Document has been migrated to GitBook
Rules enforcement tiers have been temporarily removed.
End of Match procedures was slightly reworded to better mesh with sideboarding rules.
Added 3v3 format to rulebook
5/17/2024 (MRC Launch)
Updated format product legalities
Last updated