Random Number Generation

If players wish to generate a random number for a random selection of cards or for randomly choosing which player plays first during a game, it is recommended that dice are employed. For selecting which player to go first, it is recommended that two six-sided dice are rolled (2 x D6) with the top face values added together. The player with the higher total goes first. If the result is a tie, the process can be repeated.

For generating a value to select cards for random banishment from among cards in memory to pay for memory costs, it is recommended to use six-, eight-, ten-, twelve-, or twenty-sided dice (D6, D8, D10, D12, or D20). This method should be used when there is a small number of cards in the memory zones, i.e. ten or fewer. If more than ten cards are present, it is recommended that the pile of cards is shuffled and the opponent randomly picks from among the shuffled cards to banish for cost payment. For randomly choosing cards to banish using die rolls, cards in memory can be laid out and each card can have a value assigned from 1 to n where n is the total number of cards in the memory zone. A die with more faces than n cards present should be rolled as many times as there are cards to be banished. The result of the face value of the rolled die will correspond to the assigned value of a card and that card will be banished. For values that do not have a corresponding card, the die may be rerolled until a corresponding value results.

E.g. A player has 7 cards in memory and must banish 2 from among them to pay for a memory cost. The cards are laid out and assigned a number from 1 to 7 in order. Initially, an eight-sided die can be used where a value of 1 through 7 will choose the card corresponding to that assigned value will be banished. If an 8 is rolled, the die is rolled again until a value between 1 and 7 is determined. After the first card is selected for banishment, the numbers are reassigned from 1 to 6 as there remain 6 cards in banishment. The eight-sided die can be used or players may switch to using a six-sided die. If an eight-sided die is used, values of 7 and 8 are rerolled while a value of 1 through 6 will correspond to a card in the memory zone. If a six-sided die is opted for, it can be rolled and whichever value is rolled will correspond to the card to be banished.

E.g. 5 cards are in memory and players opt to use a twenty-sided die. Each card can be assigned multiple values (1 through 4, 5 through 8, 9 through 12, 13 through 16, and 17 through 20) so that each card has 4 unique values. Rolling a twenty-sided die will return a value that gives equal odds for any card to be banished from among the five.

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