Limited Tournaments


Some sets of Grand Archive are meant to be draftable. For tournaments where players draft decks to play, there is first a drafting period before pairings and round matches. In the drafting period, (recommended: 8) players are seated circularly (or in an arrangement where each player has a player to their right and their left) randomly, and 6 randomized packs for the draft are distributed to each player. It is recommended that the timer for drafting is set up in one of two ways: First, a tournament can run a 60-minute timer for combined drafting and deck assembly before the first round, or drafting can proceed without a timer and, following the last pick, a 45-minute timer can be started. If all players have finished deck assembly before the timer expires, it can be ended early and the tournament can proceed to 1st round pairings and match games. Only products/cards received from the tournament officials may be used for these tournaments.

For 6-pack drafts, each player starts by opening their first pack, sets the cards facing down, and counts the cards to ensure the proper number of cards in the pack. If players open an error pack, they must notify a judge. Any token cards, rules cards, or other non-game cards are removed. If there are no issues, the draft can start with each player picking one card to be set aside face-down. Players pass the rest of the pack contents to the right. Each player will then receive cards from the player to the left and must pick one card, and pass the remaining cards to the right, again. This process will continue until no cards are left to choose from. Players open another pack after each player has finished picking from cards in the first pack. They will do the same process, except cards will be passed to the left instead of the right. The next four packs are picked from in the same way, the third pack is passed to the right, the fourth pack to the left, the fifth to the right, and the sixth to the left.

Cards that have been picked and set aside cannot be returned to the pack after the remaining cards in the pack have been passed to the next player. Players cannot reveal their card selections to other players and must do their best to ensure the face of their cards, selected or pending passing, is not revealed to the other players. Players are not permitted to reveal any hidden information regarding their picks, cards they are passing, cards they wish to pick, or cards they wish others to pick. Players are allowed to look at cards they have previously drafted and set aside at any time.

Each player can add Spirit of Fire, Spirit of Water, or Spirit of Wind to their draft material deck for free. Tournament Organizers are encouraged to have plenty of spare copies of these spirits to hand out to players for draft tournaments and otherwise should announce if they will not have them provided.

Players can leave or drop from a draft tournament at any time during the draft process. If they do so, any cards they have drafted and any of their unopened packs are in their possession. Additionally, if a player can’t or does not wish to continue with a draft, but wishes to participate n the tournament, they will not be allowed to draft any further and must try constructing a valid deck from their currently drafted cards. The players remaining in the draft will continue drafting with one fewer player and that missing player’s picks are skipped.

Current draft formats available:

Dawn of Ashes 1st Edition - 6 packs per player

Dawn of Ashes Alter Edition - 6 packs per player

No specific distribution or frequency of card rarity is guaranteed in a single pack of Grand Archive. If an abnormal pack or product is opened, players must first notify a judge and it is at the discretion of tournament judges and the tournament organizer to allow or replace the product.

Last updated

©2024 Weebs of the Shore